This category includes the children, who've fallen behind their peers beacause of the soluble problems and will hold on to life when these problems are solved.


Other Children in This Category:


Berna O.

15 Years Old


Berna is 13 years old. She is the youngest daughter of a low-income family with two children. Due to her mitochondrial disease, which requires lifelong care since birth, Berna needs support to meet her basic needs.

Berna's condition, classified as mitochondrial, has been ongoing since birth. Some of the effects of the disease on her include difficulty walking without support and inability to speak due to developmental delays in her muscles.

With an 89% disability rating, Berna needs medications for her entire life, some of which are not produced in Turkey and are imported from abroad by the Turkish Pharmacists Association. Partial payments are made for these medications, as well as for adult diapers (due to age and weight), transportation fees she has to pay to access the free physical therapy she receives, and expenses such as tuition fees, clothing, and stationery that have become relevant since she started preschool this year, all of which strain the family's financial limits.

The rehabilitation provided by the government is not sufficient, so Berna also receives paid additional physical therapy sessions. Berna's father works in a market for minimum wage, while her mother takes care of the household and Berna's care. Berna's 18-year-old sister, Vildan, continues her studies in accounting through distance education while also working for minimum wage to support her family.

The family heats their home with a coal stove in winter and supplements with items they need through support from the community. By clicking the "support" button, you can become a sponsor to help cover the necessary care expenses for Berna to survive and make a difference in her life with small monthly budgets.

Sponsorship Fee 1.500,00