This category includes 6-18 years old children, who are unable to go to school due to the fact that they cannot afford the main education expenses or have to work instead.
Other Children in This Category:
Hamza D. is 10 years old, the eldest child of a family with two children. Hamza, whose father is in prison, struggles to survive with his mother under difficult conditions in Mersin.
Hamza, who cannot afford his education expenses because his mother does not have any income, lives in a house that does not even have plaster. You can check it out in the pictures section.
Hamza, whose dream is to become a police officer and protect his country, is a child who feels responsible for his brother and mother at an early age.
If you would like to sponsor Hamza's education expenses and bring him closer to his dreams, click here to support him.
Sponsorship Fee 750,00