This category includes 6-18 years old children, who are unable to go to school due to the fact that they cannot afford the main education expenses or have to work instead.


Other Children in This Category:


Gurbet A.

12 Years Old

has the highest grades in her class

Gurbet is the sixth child of a family of 8 children. She lives in Mardin with her family. When she started school in 2013, she didn't know any Turkish but she immediately learned to read. Gurbet loved her school and her lessons and succeeded in other courses over time and she became the most successful student in the class.

Gurbet's father is a construction worker and no one else works in the house. His income is not enough of her and her siblings’ school expenses. So far she has been able to meet her needs with school assistance.

She is so smart, successful and light-hearted that she is too smart to read in the local village. Her teachers are very hopeful and proud of her. You can support Gurbet in her struggle with life.

Sponsorship Fee 150,00