This category includes the children, who are not financially provided about fundamental needs such as food, housing, clothing and hygen.


Other Children in This Category:


Hiranur K.

8 Years Old

in great need of financial support

Hiranur is 8 years old and a 2nd-grade student; her brother, Mehmet Efe, is 5 years old and attends preschool. Due to the earthquake on February 6th, the family had to relocate from Malatya to Bursa. While living in Malatya, the family faced internal problems, which continued after the earthquake, leading their mother to decide on separation in June 2023.

When the 6-month free accommodation period provided by the 'Make My Home' project expired, they were forced to move to a rented house in September 2023. The mother cannot work full-time due to the young age of the children and the lack of someone to take care of them, so she tries to make ends meet by working part-time and earning an hourly wage. When they rented the house, it only had carpets, pillows, and quilts.

However, a businessman donated beds, a seating group, a television, a washing machine, a dishwasher, a stove, and a bedroom set to the children. Women the mother met also supported the family by bringing items from their homes in a collective effort. The father does not provide any financial or emotional support to the children. The mother's part-time job only covers the bills and kitchen expenses, which is not sufficient for the children's other needs. The family is in great need of financial support.

Sponsorship Fee 1.166,00